Bye Moonlight


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well I slept over a friends house last night, and when I came home I checked on mty tanks, and I noticed my 46 looked a little bare, well my fish came up to the glass to beg for food as they always do, but this time my moonlight gourami wasnt their with my other fish, so I immediatly began to search for him, and sure enough he was upside down floating behind my powerhead. :(

He put up with alot, he was one of my original fish and was pretty good with some rough fish. He would get a little bullied, but never took too much without "punching back".

farewell buddy *SUNSMILE*


Small Fish
Sep 15, 2004
Omaha, NE
Visit site
Bummer dude!! I get sad when one of my older fish dies, they are kinda like a fine wine that gets better with age, I wanna see how long I can keep them livin'. As long as you tank is properly balanced and his death wasn't a sign of being over-crowded... you get to go buy a new fish which is my favorite part about having a fish tank. *PEACE!*