Calcium levels

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Just checked the parameters of my tank and my Calcium seems to be a little high at 540 ppm. Is that any cause for concern, or is it ok? My KH is at about 180 ppm (10dKH) so that seems normal. Don't those two work in conjuction with each other? I did a water change on Friday and I haven't added any supplements at all. I don't have any test kits for magnesium or strontium so I'm not sure what those levels are at.

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
pH level is at about 8.3 - 8.4. Not sure how the Ca got this high. I haven't really been adding any. I guess its to the point where it has precipitated and I can see little specs of white in the current, kinda like tiny snowflakes. I guess the only way to lower it is with water changes. I don't think it will harm anything the way it is. I'd bet my magnesium would be a little low if my Calcium was high?