Calling Achase!!!


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
...or someone else who has puffer experience.

I'm planning on setting up a 10-gal at work and thought a puffer would be a good experience. My mystery snails are breeding like crazy, so it'd have plenty to gnaw on. I know not to keep it with pretty much any other fish, except maybe danios or minnows (of which I'm growing out some).

So, the questions....

- Is it possible to keep multiple pea/dwarf puffers in a 10 gal without issue?
- Do figure-8 puffers legitimately require brackish?
- Is a standard green spotted puffer you see in every fish store okay for a 10 gal?
- Are puffers adaptable to flake, or are they pretty much restricted to frozen and live foods?
- What questions should I be asking that I'm not yet asking?


Feb 27, 2009
I have kept 4 Carinotetraodon travancoricus in a 10 gallon with no issues. Lots of plants/rocks/wood to break up the line of sight. I had one male and 3 females, and they spawned several times. The males are the most aggressive and I wouldn't put two in a 10gallon. After the 4th spawning, I moved the male to a peaceful community tank with no problems. He was added last, maybe 5 or 6 months after the rest were established. Kept him well fed and he didn't bother other fish. But, as betta, it depends on the personality of the fish.

As a juvie, the figure-8 puffer can live in freshwater, but yes, will need brackish eventually.

I wouldn't keep the GSP in anything smaller than a 30 or 40gallon tank.

My pea puffer ate anything, flakes, pellets, frozen/live worms and of course snails.

Both Figure8 and GSP ate marine flakes and floating sticks of food eventually, but being wild-caught, took a few months to do so. Otherwise, frozen/live foods.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Thanks OC! Good stuff to know. I appreciate it. Looks like I might try a pea puffer harem then....or try my hand at a brackish figure 8...hrm...must think more...and google more...

Ohh, google says a figure 8 and bumblebee gobys would get along and are both brackish....

*plots and schemes*

Feb 27, 2009
My LFS thought the same. I saw 5 or 6 bumblebees get eaten while they were looking for a net to catch the Figure8. No guarentee when you have carnivorous fish with teeth!


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I kept 2 GSP, 1 in a 5 gallon briefly and 1 in a 10 gallon briefly. I wanted to try my hand at it and my friend said he'd put them in his Brakish tank after i got a lil experinced with them so i thought why not. the one that was in the 5 gallon i got rid of kinda quick because i felt he was in to small of a habitat whereas the one in the 10 gallon had more room. I found mine LOVED those tiny lil rollypolly bugs, Snails, Small hunks of earthworms(beware these things if not gotten out if uneaten will ULTRA screw up your water quality) mine also loved freeze dried bloodworms soaked of course first to stop constipation. he didnt seem to intusiastic about flakes so never ate them, he shared his tank with 4 Zebra Danio's, 3 corys, 1 Pleco and 1 Acei cichlid until i gave him to my friend. No agression much between the fish suprisingly until about a month after the puffer was gone, then the danios begun coming up missing and then i woke up to a tank of dead fish and one guilty looking Acei cichlid lol. Id say if you had a 20 gallon or larger brakish tank go for a GSP

Apr 25, 2011
Austin, TX
I had a single green spotted (Gyro) for a good while in a 10 gallon tank. He was awesome!
I had a male and a female pea puff in the same 10 gallon later along with a frog and some dwarf platys with out incident. They had plenty of hiding places and were happy until their untimely demise :( My mom's husband killed them all.

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