I have a second Oscar. He is very timid and shy tucked away in my uncles office in a nice 55g aquarium. Around a month ago I got a surprise from a family friend wanting to 'replace' mojo. I had already purchased Draegan and she shows up out of the blue with him.I immediately started catching the goldfish out of the other tank at the office and did a majornwater change before i added Callyx. I notice that his tail and fins are turning PINK along the edges!! What is it with me and pink fish??? His shape is sooo different than Draes its unreal... He is a more delicate looking fish to me.
The pics aren't that great and that is a peice of Anacris in front of him that had died (I took pics during the water change how brilliant am I??)
The pics aren't that great and that is a peice of Anacris in front of him that had died (I took pics during the water change how brilliant am I??)