Actualy I belive it was at bluechipaquatics a few months back they were offering a trio(calvus, chitika white!) 1M2F at 4-5in each for only $65. I was ready to jump all over that, but the boss couldnt see spending $65 for only three fish. Try as I might I just couldnt do it. We'll see what she thinks when 6 2in fish end up over 80 bucks.
Im getting antsy just thinking about it. I've wanted and looked and drove and called from hell to georgia and back again and just cant find any that I can get without having to havfe them shiped. Heh, Im ready to shell out the dough for them, just a matter of convincing my wife that shes ready too.
On a sidenote steve, how is the calvus getting along with the plants, other than the occasional hairgrass attack? Is it mainly the small ones that are getting uprooted?