Can german blue rams live with livebearers?

May 1, 2007
The pH will be at about 7.0 which I know they can live in. My real concern is will the GBR eat the other fish. In there I am going to have guppies, platies, swordtails, and mollies. The tank is going to be 55 gallons at a minimum and planted. I only plan on keeping a single pair in there. I don't think they get big enough to eat them, but I'm making sure. *PEACE!*

May 1, 2007
Thanks. I like to have fish that will eat some of the fry for two reasons. One so I'm not completely over run with fry. Two being they will pick off the weaker ones and the deformed ones right away. I like that because then there is no culling to do. That is why I give the tank heavy cover and let her have the fry in that tank with all the other fish. Survival of the fittest.