Can Guppy Fry Live With My Ghost Shrimp?

Apr 24, 2006
Nashville, Illinois
I just got home from Birds Galore with feeder guppies. I intended to get females for my male but the girl there must have misheard me or my mom because she gave me almost every (if not all) of their males. I got 1 female a minnow or something and a ghost shrimp. Going there is like getting a mystery bag of fish. Since I don't want to have five males with my female I'm putting her in the 1 1/2 gal hex tank. I want to know if the ghost shrimp would eat the fry when the female gives birth. Please answer quickly, they're acclimating right now.


Medium Fish
Jul 18, 2006
eugene OR
From when i had Mollies you can stick the fry with ghost shrimp.I did stick my Molly fry with them and there was no harm so I don't see why not stick Guppy Fry with ghost Shrimp.And like Igor The Cat said Guppy Fry isnt really hard to aquire.

Apr 24, 2006
Nashville, Illinois
What do you mean by aquire? I know it's easy to breed guppies but I've never seen guppy babies at a store. I've been trying to breed them lately but the first feeder guppies all died because of nitrates, and then my last female died mysterioustly. I only have one female so I am doing everything I can to ensure that I get babies. There are just too many males in the 20 gallon now so she's in the 1 1/2 gallon hex tank with the ghost shrimp. Are there any ways to get her to give birth sooner like raising the temp? All she does is go up and down by the walls really fast so I want to get her out of there quickly.