I have Guppies, Corys,Neon Tetras,Dwarf Gouramis,Zebra and Leopard Danios.Golden Barbs, Cherry Barbs and a Pleco in my tank. Would it be alright to put 2 Angelfish in with them?
depends on how big. some angelfish grow up to 6-7". I have 2 in my tank that are only 1-2" and not that much of a threat to my tetras right now. later on though...
I have never had luck with angels in with guppies and neons. The angels chase and nip the guppies and the neons disappear...gee i wonder where. Angel fish get big and territorial. Especially if they pair up. I would not chance it.
you can do it but be prepaired once the angels get to full size your little fishes are going to disappear i inhereted some angels from a friend for that reason
IME (in my eperience) even the smallest of angels will nip at and chase the guppys around...they wont touch danios because there too fast ..maybe if we know how big the tank is then we could work it out for you anegls arent really a good communtiy fish im afraid
it could work, i've heard of people getting young angels, and letting them grow up with neons, and once the angels were big, they didnt see the neons as food.
I wouldn't, you might be able to but it's really risky. Despite their name, angels can be really nasty. Then again, how big are all your other fish? If their big enough it might work.