can i add betta to my 10 g tank


Small Fish
Aug 21, 2006
I have 3 platies (1 male, 2 females) and 4 neon tetras in my 10 gallon tank. I have 1 male (crowntail) betta in 1.5 gallon tank. Can I add my betta fish to 10 g tank (and give myself one more reason to go fish store and buy a new fish for 1.5 g tank :) )

all my water readings in 10 g tank are 0 (ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite) (boy it was some experience to bring those levels down to 0)

I read that betta can be good community tank fish, but i found that betta (atleast mine) is slow in eating food. when i feed him, he comes to the surface, stares at food, eat one bloodworm, chew 32 times, grab another work, chew 32 takes him lot of time to eat...but he readily eats everything i give him...the problem now is that my platies are greedy...they sometimes aim for my finger before i put the food in, so i am not sure i my Betta will get any food (neon tetras sometimes have to struggle for food)

any suggestions here

Fishy love

Aug 4, 2006
I'd be very cautious adding him to the 10g because he may or may not get along with the platies. I honestly think the 10g is fully stocked, but most people will say that one more fish won't hurt.

I would really put the platies in a 20g eventually because with 2 females, you'll soon have fry. Most will probably get eaten and the betta will probably help out with that, but if some make it, then you'll be overstocked. Platies get about 2 inches and round, so IMO they deserve atleast a 20g to spread out.

Go on and add the betta, but I would watch carefully to make sure he and the platies don't have problems.

What fish do you have in mind for the 1.5g? Really the only fish I'd put in there is another betta. Most other fish need a bigger tank or a school. Some shrimp would work though. :)


Small Fish
Aug 21, 2006
i definitely sure my platies wont breed....i have been waiting to see platy fry for long of my platy looks permanently pregnant ( i call her permanently pregnant platy PPP) :)

you are right about the 1.5 g tank...the only other fish i can put in there is another betta

do platties and Betta have problems getting along with each other?

abt food i found out a way too...i put the food right in front of the filter water that way food gets spread to whole tank in matter of seconds...but that means food get stuck up in filter too:(

fishy love


Medium Fish
Aug 29, 2006
L.A. Cali
its kinda case by case like people are saying.

you can put the bettas with anything thats not too aggressive and doesnt have long fins and they should be fine. most people dont recommend having a male and female betta in the same tank but ive had them together for a couple months now and all is well. obviosly theres chasing and some torn females fins, but nothing serious at all. more mating rituals. btw they breed like convicts, i cant get mine to stop.