Can I get a Parrot Cichlid?


Small Fish
Aug 1, 2009
I set up another 29 gal tank...I know, I'm slightly obsessed with fish.

Anyways, I'm wondering if I could get a parrot cichlid? In the tank, there is a small pleco, two little fruit tetras, and two mollies. The mollies can be moved if they have to. I have a 30 and 10 gal filter in the tank, and a heater if necessary. I also have a little cave for it to hide in.

I don't have a light/lid, though. The tank is under my other 29 gal, and I ran into the problem of the bottom tank being too close to the bottom of the other tank to fit a lid in between easily.

Also, just curious. Is there a tank size that would be equivalent in width and length to the 29, but not as tall (my 29 is 30x12x18)? Maybe a 20gal long? It is hard and time-consuming to do water changes with the 3.5 inch gap above the bottom tank.

But back to parrot cichlids. Would one be compatible with the other fish? And would it be okay without a light?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
the first step should obviously be reaserching the parrot cichlid. from what ive seen theyre pretty social so one wouldnt be best for them. they also enjoy a certain pH and water hardiness/softness level. i forgot what exactly, so you should just look them up and see if theyre compatible with other fish in your tank. lso the tank size comes to mind when housing a few of them.


Small Fish
Aug 1, 2009
Ok thank you. I think I'll just stick to getting more mollies I guess.
And yeah, I know they're dyed fish. But I bought them over three years ago and I didn't know about it then. They're really healthy, but I don't buy dyed or painted fish anymore. It's kinda sad :/


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
Yeah, parrots get very lonely unless there are similar sized fish in the tank. I have heard of parrots committing suicide by jumping tank out of loneliness/boredom. They aren't very picky and will pal around with anything from angels to terrors, as long as it is around the same size as they are or a little bigger than them. They are like the preteen girls of the fish world, they want to hang out with fish that make them look normal by comparison. A 29 would be too small for the tubby parrots. However, wanting 5-7 parrots is as good an excuse to buy a 55 gallon tank as any.

For an idea for a lid, get the measurements for your tank and have a thick piece of Plexiglas cut with gaps for your filters. I used this all the time when I bred Bettas so I could see every little thing in the tank. Should cost you around $15 at home depot.


Medium Fish
Feb 21, 2009
Nope. Plus, your goldfish tank is very overstocked. Rule for goldfish is: For one - 30 gallons and for every additional goldfish you need 10 more gallons. Not trying to be rude. Sorry it is off topic. Just trying to be helpful. =)