Can I get another one?


Superstar Fish
Hi, to deal with just the stocking for a moment. You could get another ADF, yes. But I advise against getting a betta. The betta would likely not get along with the mollies. So, if all you have now is the two mollies and a frog, you could definitely get one more frog. In fact, if you wanted more frogs, you could probably have up to 3 or 4 total, plus the 2 mollies.

As for cycling, when did you set up this tank? Unfortunately, you do need a test kit to know for sure....however, many stores will test your water for you for free. The downsides are that this is a pain in the butt, and also that they use test strips to test your water. These are not as reliable or accurate as the liquid drops. You should have your water tested for Ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte, to start.