Can i get some info on my Mbuna?

I am wondering if i can get some info on how o breed Mbuna??? Cause 2 of mine(lab and zebra) were hanging out alot and then all of a sudden the zebra chased the lab away from there spot??? Is that normal for Mbuna or is it something that i should worry about? Thaks in advancde!

Nikolas Ignjatovic


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Aggression is completely normal for mbuna. That being said, you should not be trying to promote the breeding of hybrids, which is exactly what you'd end up with if your lab breeds with a zebra. If they do breed, I'd have to suggest you don't bother letting the babies grow up.

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Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
if your talking a cobalt blue zebra? yes it might try to mate with the labs, but that gets hybrids, and no-one wants those in the industry as it'll weaken any pure stock. Mbuna will chase eachother around plenty as they vie for territory. Rocks and caves help break this behavior up, but expect to still see aggression.