Can I put Betta in comm. tank

Aug 5, 2004
houston, texas
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I have a betta in a 1 gal bowl and it is a pain having to clean that bowl out all the time. Can I put that 1 Betta in my community tank 37Gal. I have 4 Clown Loaches, 1 Gold Gourami and 2 Red Fire Gouramis. AlsO have 5 Ghost shrimp. The tank does have a few plants and some decorations. Although the Loaches and red Gouramis have staked out those claims already. If I do put the Betta in the tank, would I have to put in more decorations for territory staking.



Large Fish
May 13, 2004
Cornwall, UK
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I'm thinking you have a male betta, are the other fish going to nip its fins when you put him in there, not knowing much about gouramis and loaches i don't know how they would react.
I did the same thing and sadly my betta died, i had a peaceful comm tank but overnight the fish attacked the bettas fins and he died about a week later, my inexpierience cost me a beautiful fish, i would'nt want the same to happen to you.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Sorry, but I would not suggest that mix. The gourami and betta will certainly clash for territory, if not all and all war.

Bettas are just not community tank types, they are slower swimmers, hate strong current and surface agitation, only mildly tolerate other fish, and are subject to constant nipping stress.

I know how you feel about giving your betta more space. I would suggest looking around (garage sales/bargain finder) for a 5 gallon tank system, its a good size for a single male betta, it can be heated (50w) and its nicer to decorate with a little more space. A used tank should only cost $20.00 with most accessories.

Sep 10, 2004
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Iggy knows best. I do have one male betta in a 10 gal tank with four zebra danios. The danios do not bother the betta at all. In fact, the betta chases them away from "his territory". According to the betta, the whole tank is his territory. The danios swim at the top and the betta goes back and forth at the mid-bottom. He just goes to the top for a breath now and then. I hope that helps you. Good luck with your tank. PS My brother had a betta in his 55 gal tank but had to remove it because the shark was aiming for the fins. :)