! can i


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Basingstoke, hants , UK
can i mix Co2 and air bubbles i have a couple of air stones in my tank and was wondering if i was to bodge a DIY CO2 could i add a tape on to the tube say half way up and have it feedign in with the air bubles?:D

Oct 22, 2002
You can however C02 dissapates much quicker than O2 and even small surface movements may be enough to reduce O2 levels.

A little experiment I did on my 90G planted tank!
I have a pressurized C02 system, a canister filter and a bio wheel filter. The C02 tube I put into the input of the canister filter to suck up the C02 bubbles. Work great btw! I had no other surface movement except for the bio wheel that created a small surface movement. I adjusted the bubble rate to around 6-7 bubbles a second and achieved a ph of 7.2 (from 7.6)! Thats a lot of C02! One day I turned the bio wheel off, adjusted the bubble rate to 1-2 bubbles a second and I was able to achieve a ph of 7.0 with a lot less C02. This told me that even small surface movements dissapate C02 quite easily.

So, mixing C02 and 02! Probably not recommended! I imagine that you have real plants therefore your plants should be able to provide enough 02 for your fish unless you do not have many plants!