Can my fish survive with only one working pectoral fin?


Small Fish
Sep 3, 2009
New Jersey
Hi Everyone -
I'm back. The 26 gallon is up and running and finally with fish. I check the water about every other day now that I've just added 3 new fish and the parameters are good. The ammonia is at 0, nitrites 0, and nitrates are very low - they don't register on the index card I check them against. The water is 82 degrees and here comes the new problem...
About 2 weeks ago I started the tank with 3 cherry barbs and a male beta. I kept a close eye on the fish and the beta didn't really bother with the cherry barbs at all, unless the wandered up too close to his area near the filter. He isn't a very strong swimmer so it didn't pan out to be any real problem for the barbs. Well, one of them didn't make it. I have no idea why, so I was hesistant to add more fish. The parameters have been good since adding them. Steady 0 for ammonia and nitrite, with nitrates being minimal. Three days ago I added three more cherry barbs for a total of five and a beta. Now after watching them for a while, I've noticed one of the barbs looks a little lopsided. His pectoral fin (I think it's that one - the fin closest to the eyes) looks broken, not rotted or any discolorations or anything, just way smaller than the other and not moving at all. The fish is hanging out by himself near the bottom under some plants and I feel really bad for the little guy. He was able to shoot up near the top for feeding time and seemed to eat fine, but I was just concerned that he may not make it with this issue. Does anyone know if this is something a fish can bounce back from or can live with? Also, I added some stress coat to the water according to directions b/c it states it promotes healing to damaged fins. Not sure if that was the right action, but I figured it wouldn't hurt. Also, I have some pictures of the tank - they aren't great and there's no way you could actually see the fish in question closely enough to see the fin, but I said I'd post pics once it was up and running.



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Did you check the Barb you bought before he was added to the tank? because if he came in with that pectoral fin then its likely a deformity caused by genes =/ I most cases he wont make it but theres always a chance if he keeps feeding. youre doing the right thing by adding stress coat but dont really add it daily. I suggest after your weekly water change.

As a side note and a random question, what are those sword plants on the right of your aquarium in the first pic? the ones behind the barb(or otto or w/e that black and white one is)? I have 5 of those and cant seem to figure out what species of sword they are (i wasnt the one who bought them) Are they Brazilian swords?


Small Fish
Sep 3, 2009
New Jersey
Newman - Unfortunately I didn't really check out the new barb all that well... I mean, I thought I gave him a good once over, but I didn't notice him swimming sideways or anything so I didn't pay too much attention to him. I was more concerned with the smaller fish, which is a way brighter color than the rest of them.
As for the plants, I have no idea what they are. I bought them all at Pet'sMart when I purchased the tank and I can't remember what they are called. I looked them up once before when I was angry about being sold plants that are not meant to thrive underwater, but I quickly forgot. I just figured they were all gonna die off soon since I don't have a clue how to keep aquatic plants (nor the cash to buy all the ish that goes with them). I do know they came in tubes and were priced at either $9.99 or $6.99. All of the plants that came from Pet'sMart came in those tubes and all were priced with those figures. Your guess is better than mine :)
Thanks for the input


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Ack, I was afraid the mystery wont get solved so soon. Well if it is indeed a Brazilian Sword like i think it is, then youre partially right about it not being able to survive submersed. It grows much slower when its underwater. the plant is meant to grow partially outside of the water. Its safe to keep it in the tank, my brazilian swords have been doing quite well, in just one week all of them have put out more leaves.

In the future try not to buy plants that come in Petsmat's tubes. most like you said are not plants that grow submersed. if petmart is the only place you can buy plants from, then just buy whats in their fish tanks (ive seen them have java moss and fern as well as marimo moss balls.) Petsmart also names all of their plants: "Aquatic Plant" No real names are supplied. IMO petsmart sucks when it comes to a selection of plants lol.

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