Can Someone Answer This Real Quick??


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I want to set up my 20 gal tonight. I have a 10 gal right now and I want to transfer all my fishies and everything over to the 20 gal using the same filter that is on my 10 which is a bio wheel 170. Can I do that with out recycling the tank?

Oct 22, 2002
Monroe North Carolina
I'm no expert, but I recently had to tear down my sons abused 10 gal.  And I mean a total redo..I saved 70 percent of the water to put back in and all was well.  Is this any different from a 50 percent water change, if you can save all water from old tank?  I'd be afraid to risk it?  Maybe someone with more experience will come along soon, that can be more help.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've done it before.... I figured it was almost like a 50% water change. It stressed my fish out but none of them died. Just make sure that the water added is already at the same temp and no clorine. I first moved the fish to a bucket with enough water from the 10 gallon then moved the substrate and water to the new tank along with what ever decor. Then dumped the pale of fish with water to the new tank. Then slowly added the new water... Don't clean out the filter just transfer it over. You didn't mention what kinda fish you have but mine were 2 small oscars, 3 barbs and a pleco. If you got more substrate I'd add that first before you put the old substrate... K well good luck and I hope everything goes well for you...