I own a 36 inch Marineland Doublebright LED setup, and I have no idea who many watts it has. I know this makes me sound dumb, but let me explain first.
I got my first tank, a 55 gallon, as a family hand-me-down, and I believe the light was one left over from a salt water tank. I'm not sure. It was very bright, but only the right half of it worked, so come my birthday I got my mom to buy me a new light. I was looking for one that had decent reviews on Amazon as well as one that looked nice on top of the tank. This was only about four months into my fish keeping experience, so I really had no idea what to look for in a light. I settled on the sleek looking Marineland Doublebright because I wasn't a huge fan of the clunky, half dead Coralife light that I had.
No, like six months and many tank changes later, I'm looking at adding some more plants. I currently have a few, but I'd like to build myself up to a well aquascaped planted tank. My problem is I don't know if I should be looking for a low light or medium light or high light plants because I don't know what I've got. I've Googled every possible combination of words looking for some answers on this light, but all I can find out about it is that it has 16 one watt white LEDs and 8 'night-light' LEDs, for a total of 1,200 Lumens.
So, I can tell you I've got 30 Lumens per gallon in my tank, but that doesn't really help me out as far as know what plants I can grow. I know ideally I'd get a better light, and if I had a time machine to go back and spent the money on something else I would, but right now this is what I've got and I don't have the money to upgrade it...
I got my first tank, a 55 gallon, as a family hand-me-down, and I believe the light was one left over from a salt water tank. I'm not sure. It was very bright, but only the right half of it worked, so come my birthday I got my mom to buy me a new light. I was looking for one that had decent reviews on Amazon as well as one that looked nice on top of the tank. This was only about four months into my fish keeping experience, so I really had no idea what to look for in a light. I settled on the sleek looking Marineland Doublebright because I wasn't a huge fan of the clunky, half dead Coralife light that I had.
No, like six months and many tank changes later, I'm looking at adding some more plants. I currently have a few, but I'd like to build myself up to a well aquascaped planted tank. My problem is I don't know if I should be looking for a low light or medium light or high light plants because I don't know what I've got. I've Googled every possible combination of words looking for some answers on this light, but all I can find out about it is that it has 16 one watt white LEDs and 8 'night-light' LEDs, for a total of 1,200 Lumens.
So, I can tell you I've got 30 Lumens per gallon in my tank, but that doesn't really help me out as far as know what plants I can grow. I know ideally I'd get a better light, and if I had a time machine to go back and spent the money on something else I would, but right now this is what I've got and I don't have the money to upgrade it...