Can someone identify this for me???

Hi Everyone,

I just recently treated my Bala Shark for Popeye and some body fungus, but it appears that the fungus has eaten through my Bala Shark. Is this a fungus? Or something more serious? I have attached a link to a photo of him. Can someone help me out on what I should do? I would appreciate it. Thanks!

My Poor Bala Shark


Yeah it sure does seem like my bala shark does have that...However it recommends to treat the tank with Maracyn. And I am...And its not going away. *sigh* Very frustrating.

I think the most annoying thing is that I have spent over $50 on test kits and medicine for this bala shark that only cost $2. I know that's a mean thing to say, but I've only had this bala shark for like 2 weeks, and have had headache after headache. Ugh. Just frustrated. Sorry.


Originally posted by Leopardess
Hm. Could be flexibacter columnaris...

the syptoms fit it really well...

I'd remove him to a hospital tank if you can arrange it, but if not, treat the entire tank with something specifically designed to treat this bacteria (which is mistakenly referred to as a fungus).

I hope you can help him out:(

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Superstar Fish
Are you treating with Maracyn I, Maracyn II, or Maracyn Plus? Often, you need both I and II or Plus to work...

You could also try another product...I've had some success with something by aquarium pharmeceuticals called "binox." Its is pretty cheap and is super strength - one teaspoon treats 25g for four days, I believe. You may want to try that. Just make sure to finish your treatment of maracyn for the full duration it recommends - you dont want to create any weird super-virus type things since it is a fairly strong anitbiotic.


I haven't just been treating with Maracyn. I'll try the Maracyn and Maracyn II, or that Binox. I dunno if Petco has that or not, we'll see though.

Also, do fish diseases spread to others in the tank? Part the reason why I am treating my whole 50 gallon, is so it doesn't spread to the others.


Originally posted by Leopardess
Are you treating with Maracyn I, Maracyn II, or Maracyn Plus? Often, you need both I and II or Plus to work...

You could also try another product...I've had some success with something by aquarium pharmeceuticals called "binox." Its is pretty cheap and is super strength - one teaspoon treats 25g for four days, I believe. You may want to try that. Just make sure to finish your treatment of maracyn for the full duration it recommends - you dont want to create any weird super-virus type things since it is a fairly strong anitbiotic.


Large Fish
Apr 8, 2003
Medina, NY
Visit site
I saved two platies from that nasty disease and it is not fun :( I also used maracyn and maracyn II, but had to repeat the treatment at least twice (can't exactly remember but I know it was a long time). Here is a good website for a reference:

Good luck, and beware that you need to do some water changes b/c maracyn will eventually kill your nitrifying bacteria too (unfortunately flex and the good bacteria are both gram positive). The affects probably won't be seen until you stop the meds, but I would have some bio-spira on hand just in case.


Alright, I am gonna do a water change tonight, since the Ammonia level in my tank is outragous now....And will get Maracyn II tommorow. Thanks for all your help. Everyone.


Originally posted by Leopardess
Yes, it will spread if left unchecked, in all likelihood.

I was just asking if you had used both maracyns or the plus since one on their own isnt fully effective:)

Petco should have it.