can someone identify

Dec 25, 2007
hello i was wondering if someone can identify this anemone i got it at petco for 7 dollars out the door
and was it a good deal ? hes way bigger then when he was in their tank


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I'm not sure what that is but go in to edit that message and highlight your link and just click the little picture of the mountain up at the top of the post box and it will embed the picture in your message.

I will add the picture to my post for you

Here is the picture:

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Yes it is a condylactis and when it gets big and starts to eat all your fish you will realize what a great bargin it was. You should really research your livestock PRIOR to purchasing them that way you will know their habits and their needs and ensure that you will be able to provide what they need and that they will integrate into your tank well and be a good fit. I am not sure what you have in your tank already but remember that these are atlantic anemones and are not hosts to clownfish. A clownfish may host in it but eventually this anemone may just eat the clown.


New Fish
Mar 9, 2009
hello i was wondering if someone can identify this anemone i got it at petco for 7 dollars out the door
and was it a good deal ? hes way bigger then when he was in their tank
It is a purple condy anemone like every one else said I have one my self mine got huge also it takes up half of my 12 gal. tank now, if well raised they can grow to 12 in. But they are a neat piece to have in an anemone tank...But watch out they can sting other anemones.*twirlysmi