Everything I've read about cichlids, say they are a very peaceful fish. I have a blue acara cichlid that has become psycho!! It attacks any other fish in any of my community tanks. What's the problem? I even had a baby blue acara in the tank that it almost killed. I finally had to isolate it, in it's own tank after it desroyed my male betta. What do I do? Are all cichlids this aggressive? What are they compatible with? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Everything I've read about cichlids, say they are a very peaceful fish. I have a blue acara cichlid that has become psycho!! It attacks any other fish in any of my community tanks. What's the problem? I even had a baby blue acara in the tank that it almost killed. I finally had to isolate it, in it's own tank after it desroyed my male betta. What do I do? Are all cichlids this aggressive? What are they compatible with? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.