Everything I've read say that cichlids are peaceful fish. I have a blue acara cichlid that rapidly took over one of my community tanks. It soon became aggresive against every fish in the tank. It practically killed the baby blue acara that was in the tank. I finally had to isolate it in a 10 gallon tank, ( it's only about 4/5 inches) after it nearly destoyed the male betta that was in the tank. Are all cichlids this aggresive?
The baby blue acara I rescued from one tank actually caused havoc in another community tank by it self. What's up with these fish? What are they compatible with? Any adive would be greatly helpfull,
Everything I've read say that cichlids are peaceful fish. I have a blue acara cichlid that rapidly took over one of my community tanks. It soon became aggresive against every fish in the tank. It practically killed the baby blue acara that was in the tank. I finally had to isolate it in a 10 gallon tank, ( it's only about 4/5 inches) after it nearly destoyed the male betta that was in the tank. Are all cichlids this aggresive?
The baby blue acara I rescued from one tank actually caused havoc in another community tank by it self. What's up with these fish? What are they compatible with? Any adive would be greatly helpfull,