scavengers and algae eaters
It's a good idea to first determine what u need to be done in the tank.
(I used common names for fish for simplicity.)
Weather Loach, (dojo), Corydorus, Rapheal cats, flying fox,
are generally low maintenceand will scavenge the bottom for food. They tolerate a range of temp and water chemistry (pH,etc.)
Clown loaches, pictus cats, eels (tiretrak, spiny, fire), whiptail cats, botia, are a few that require a little more attention, in both tank conditions and dietary needs, however still preform a function. (workers)
Algae Eaters. Grazers.
Loricaridea, Plecostomus, Farrowella Cat, Chinese Algae Eaters, Otocinclus, Hong Kong Loach or Chinese Butterfly Pleco.,
Flying Fox, Siamese Algae Eater.
Mild Grazers include mollies, platies, and Swords. Guppies do a little.
You'll find that each species developes its own habits in the tank and will work certain areas and not touch others. Algae Eatrs and scavengers often develop territories.
Sometimes you have add more than one kind to balance the work load.
Otocinclus - stay small but are fast. Good glass cleaners.
Farrowella Cat, or Twig Cat. (Not Whiptail) - Excellent algae eatr.
Gentle on plants and works hard. Med. care.
Pleco - usu. the toughest and steadiest. Can get big. Can develope attitude. Will become spoiled and eat fed food rather than work. Much like having a big log in yer tank that eats, and poops. Long poops.
There are awesome creatures tho. Some ppl appeciate them, others not.
My personal choice, based on what u have in there...
school of clown loaches, say 6-9 (start em small), an eel, and a rapheal cat. (nocturnal, but excellent nighttime cleaning crew)
and garnish it all with 3-4 corys. Albino and bronze are most common. Corydorus juli, punctatus, paleatus, Schwarti, Metae, are nicer, a little more, but showy.
Well, thats my attention span.
Hope this helps.