When I started my tank I was struggling to get the pH down to 7.0 (neutral). I used pH Down as and that did not seem to work. I later purchased a powder (SeaChem I think) which claimed to keep the pH at 7.0 but now every time I check the pH it has been around 6.0 - 6.5??
The fish seem to be doing fine however. This is the tank set up . . .
29 gallon, Penguin BioWheel 125, AquaClear Mini (both have carbon and one has Amonia removing crystals, no UGF, artificial plants, "rainbow" rock, medium piece of driftwood. Other than that I have a typical community of assorted fish.
Does the low pH really matter? Should I not try to get it back up to 7.0 and if so how?
Suggestions as to the cause for the low pH and whether or not I should make any attempts to change would be appreciated. *SUNSMILE*
The fish seem to be doing fine however. This is the tank set up . . .
29 gallon, Penguin BioWheel 125, AquaClear Mini (both have carbon and one has Amonia removing crystals, no UGF, artificial plants, "rainbow" rock, medium piece of driftwood. Other than that I have a typical community of assorted fish.
Does the low pH really matter? Should I not try to get it back up to 7.0 and if so how?
Suggestions as to the cause for the low pH and whether or not I should make any attempts to change would be appreciated. *SUNSMILE*