Can these Gourami be happy together?


Medium Fish
Jun 18, 2006
I have a 120 planted tank. I have 3 powder blue dwarf gouramis in there now. I have been trying to find females and thought i found some the other day at a LFS. They were mixed in a tank that said they also had Honey dwarfs in there (but they looked more like sunset). I got the females and then when I was researching the honey species i noticed that their females have a stripe along the body.

Well, my females have a stripe along the body. So, does anyone thing the poder blues will be happy with these females? Does nayone know what I bought? If I have to I will make the store take them back.

The other idea I had was to try to find true dwarf females and get a few honey/sunset males to go with the females I have. I am just not sure if I will be able to find them.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I doubt they'd fight with the females even though they're a different species. All female dwarf gouramis that I've ever seen have been entirely gray, no stripe, so I suspect that yours are honey/sunset dwarfs. If you have a good LFS, you can probably get them to order you dwarf females if you really want them. In a 120g, you also do have room for more dwarf gourami males to set up territories. Of course, it also wouldn't hurt anything to have dwarf females and honey/sunset females without males.

It really depends on what you want-if you want to breed, you'd want different females. If you just want them to coexist in the tank, then you can really do whatever you want of the options you listed.


Medium Fish
Jun 18, 2006
i love the males colors and don't really want to breed. I have been asking about this on various fish sorums and everyone said to get females for the males. Maybe I will call the store and see if they can get true dwarf females. If not, i might take the ones i have back and get a few sunset males and forget females all together? I just want a nice tank where everyone is happy.

Another question, do you think it will matter that the sunsets (females and males) are much smaller (younger) than my powder blue males?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
It would if it were a smaller tank, but since yours is so large and planted it should be fine. There should be enough unclaimed territory for them to make their own, instead of invading an established territory like they would be doing in a small tank. If you add a group of gouramis at once, there should also be less aggression towards any one gourami.


Medium Fish
Jun 18, 2006
Well I will ahev to call the store and see if they can get the regular dwarf females then. I may just wind up having to get a 30 gallon one day to house some Pearls if i have no room in the big tank. ;o)