can this be done?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Idk if the Blood Parrot is considered a cross between 2 different kinds of cichlids with different breeding styles...they were all SA/CA cichlids which usually lay eggs.

You usually find mouthbrooders in Africans and egglayers in SA/CA cichlids. So your odds of this happening are very slim. (At least in the wild). The only real way i could see this happening is in a lab. But we really don't need another hybrid thread here so...

So my answer to your question would be: yes, but only with the help of humans.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
OK, I find it hard to imagine a cross of an african mouthbrooder with a substrate spawner. It's just too different behaviourally.
Unfortunately I can see plenty of possibilities for mixing for example substrate spawning and delayed mouthbrooding geophagines - it's a tremendous opportunity to add to the sea of poor quality dross floating around in peoples tanks. I would say it's all to easy in a home aquaria. Plenty of S American genera contain both substrate and delayed mouthbrooders. The upside is these fish are speciating so quickly that S American crossbreeds are ususally horribly poor quality.