Can you have too many bubbles?


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
I know the only purpose for the bubbles is to disturb the surface and add more oxygen and blah blah blah. I had a bubble bar that sent up 3 streams of bubbles but my pump had another outlet so I figured what the heck and tossed in a little bubble stone. The stone gives off more bubbles all by itself than the bar cuz I didn't bury it. These bubbles are in my 30 gallon fern gully tank, which is occupied by male and female guppies and babys of assorted ages. Is this too many bubbles, or can it be good for them?


Large Fish
Dec 1, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
It depends if you have plants or not because it robs the co2 from the water that the plants need, dunno were i read it but its true. i have 1 single 9in rod that i use in my hospital but no plants live, and in my 29 no bubble stone and good plants.

it is good though for the fish to have oxygen rich water, good for hospital tanks.


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
no live plants, just plastic. After I added the new bubbles all the guppies swarmed over to investigate. They floated around for a few minutes, now they're back to floating the rest of the tank. I can't tell if the bubbles are annoying them. I think it's their bedtime and they are crashing for the night, so I'm gonna turn the light off.

Tomorrow, how will I be able to tell if the extra bubbles annoy them?