Can you put any other fish with an oscar?


Large Fish
Nov 5, 2006
Daytona Beach, FL

so i have this awsome albino tiger oscar in my ten gallon with a pleco who live together perfectly.(both of which will eventually be moved to new tanks when the time comes.)

I was wondering if Oscars are able to go with any other fish.

Ive asked a couple people i know plus the lfs and ive had soo many mixed answers that i figured i would try MFT

Some people have told me that you can only put an oscar with maybe another oscar.

Some people say no other fish period.

Some say no fish that are big enough for it to eat

And some say you can put it with any fish you want that isnt any kind of aggressive species.

i could use some help.

Dude you gotta lot of fish in the tiny ten gallon. I dont think either of the fish you have the pleco or the oscar fit in a ten gallon and you have both of them in the ten gallon. IMO you need a bigger tank then they will be ok and by big I mean a 55 gallon at the minimum. ALSO OSCARS GROW RAPIDLY at least mine did grew REAL REAL FAST

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
A overlooked thing is that by keeping the fish in a small tank even if they are "small right now" could stunt their growth. Stunting the growth can cause a range of health problems including internal organ problems over the course of the stunting.

You really should get a bigger tank ASAP. So to answer your question, can any other fish live with an Oscar? Yes, but not in your tank.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Oscars are a smart fish. So to a point, they can be trained. Trained to live peacefully with other fish. You accomplish this training by haveing them grow up in a large tank with other fish. But let me say that the personality of an oscar can vary greatly between individual fish. Letting it grow up in a large tank is the best option for keeping it peacefull and raising your chances of having it accept other tankmates.

Being a sucessful oscar keeper is easy. You need two things- Clean water and lots of space.

IMHO 75 gallons is minimal for two oscars. They are actualy pretty timid and not very aggressive. However like many animals, you cage them up and make them feel like they are cornered they will fight. I think that you could accomplish a nice medium/large community tank with 150+ gallons including an oscar. I wouldn't recomend two oscars unless you are prepared for them to pair up and breed (if you happen to get a male and female) or fight till only one is left (if you happen to get two males). You can't tell the sex of an oscar externaly, so if you get more than one it's all up to chance.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
hmm when you get a bigger tank you and hes still small you could get maybe a convict. they are able to hold thier own with about anything. ive heard stories about a pair of convicts pushing a full grown oscar into a corner when they spawn. hmmm or a jack dempsey. any fish that is bigger and also a ciclid i beleive.

Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
you can put a convict in with them, i was feeding mine convicts for awhile, and he let one live. she's around 2-3 inches now, they dont seem to have any issues, he could still eat her if he wanted to im sure. id never put more than one convict in there though, IMO, convicts are some of the meanest fish ive ever owned. even without their black stripes, they well earned their name.