so i have this awsome albino tiger oscar in my ten gallon with a pleco who live together perfectly.(both of which will eventually be moved to new tanks when the time comes.)
I was wondering if Oscars are able to go with any other fish.
Ive asked a couple people i know plus the lfs and ive had soo many mixed answers that i figured i would try MFT
Some people have told me that you can only put an oscar with maybe another oscar.
Some people say no other fish period.
Some say no fish that are big enough for it to eat
And some say you can put it with any fish you want that isnt any kind of aggressive species.
i could use some help.
so i have this awsome albino tiger oscar in my ten gallon with a pleco who live together perfectly.(both of which will eventually be moved to new tanks when the time comes.)
I was wondering if Oscars are able to go with any other fish.
Ive asked a couple people i know plus the lfs and ive had soo many mixed answers that i figured i would try MFT
Some people have told me that you can only put an oscar with maybe another oscar.
Some people say no other fish period.
Some say no fish that are big enough for it to eat
And some say you can put it with any fish you want that isnt any kind of aggressive species.
i could use some help.