Canister filter on its side ?


New Fish
Mar 22, 2005
Hi all, just discovered this site, in the process of starting my first SW tank.

Under my tank area I have shelves which prohibit the upright use of an Eheim 2217. It would fit lying on its side, but I suspect that that would introduce all sorts of problems, not least of which could be leakage.

Any thoughts?

Cheers in advance

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
LOL, yes I have to agree on that one. I’m not an expert on canister filters but it sounds like a bad idea. I hope you find room for it, maybe buy some longer hoses and just place it on the side of your tank. Good luck with it..

Oh Camaro, ok I think I have talked about this one before but, Y are you so anti canister? If you don’t have a skimmer, is a canister ok? Because where’s all the gunk and little parts of algae and stuff going to go? You said something about the live rock being enough or something about a bio load???? Umm can you explain to me a little more. Ok appreciate it thanx.


Large Fish
Feb 28, 2005
yeah i have a canister and a skimmer and the skimmer is always loaded. Canister is on its way out in comes sump/refugium....gotta get those nitrates down!!

Im not any expert by any means but go get a skimmer man you'll not regret it!!


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
jammerz said:
Im not any expert by any means but go get a skimmer man you'll not regret it!!
what he said pretty much sums it up. I have found that havving the least amount of filters/equipment/etc is the easiest way to maintain a healthy marine tank. all i do is run a heater a skimmer and a return pump for water flow and I have had zero problems with algae or bad chemical buildup

Bioload is basically the amount of fish and other organisms you have producing ammonia. The LR provides all of your biological filtration (to do the nitrogen cycle thing) because it is full of algaes, bacterias, little critters, etc; that stuff is just ridiculously good.

As far as the "little stuff floating around" you really do not see very much of it floating around in a tank, or at least you shouldn't, so i have never felt a need to have mechanical filtration

if it was my tank, i would sell the canister and use that money to partially fund a high quality skimmer

but, people do have success using canisters...personally, it does not fit with my philosophy of reefkeeping