Canister filter woes


Medium Fish
May 23, 2004
Visit site
I am currently running an Eheim Pro II canister filter on my 55g tank. I have had this filter for about 6 years and I bought it used from someone else - it must be close to 8 or 9 years old. Anyways, its been giving me a lot of issues lately. When I turn it off to clean, it begins seeping and leaking around the clips and its now a @#@$ to start back up again... I have lubed up the gasket, but I think I might need a new gasket. I also wonder if I need to replace the motor head clips as well? Basically I am wondering if buying all these parts is worth it, or if I should look into a new filter? Thoughts?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Honestly, I'd just get a whole new filter. With as old as your filter is, things will keep needing to be replaced because they'll start wearing out, so you might as well just bite the bullet now and get a new filter. Just my 2 cents, though.