Well, I guess I need to start looking into canisters. I figured it would be better if I got that before I converted my 55g to planted...anyway, here are the suggestions I have gotten so far.
Eheim Classic 2217
Eheim Ecco 2236
Fluval 305
Rena Filstar xp3
After reading through Kelly's thread on the Eheim stuff, I might go with something else even though they seem to be the cheapest. Although the Rena one is kind of ugly IMO (although it doesn't matter since it'll be in the stand), I might go with that one since Kelly said it was really quiet. Given that the tank is in my room where I work/sleep, I need something quiet.
Any ideas? Getting the xp3 at Drs.FandS would amount to $185.98.
Would I need anything else?
Eheim Classic 2217
Eheim Ecco 2236
Fluval 305
Rena Filstar xp3
After reading through Kelly's thread on the Eheim stuff, I might go with something else even though they seem to be the cheapest. Although the Rena one is kind of ugly IMO (although it doesn't matter since it'll be in the stand), I might go with that one since Kelly said it was really quiet. Given that the tank is in my room where I work/sleep, I need something quiet.
Any ideas? Getting the xp3 at Drs.FandS would amount to $185.98.
Would I need anything else?