
Feb 22, 2008
Hello everybody,

I have a cannister filter plugged into my marine aquarium....

I have plenty of live rock, a decent protein skimmer, no sump.

Surely the cannister is just sucking in organisms and killing them? its not as if there are lumps of 'crap' in my tank that it needs to filter. The water is crystal clear.

What do you guys use for filtration?
im guessing no cannister!

my tank is about 6 months mature, i just have some corals and inverts at the moment.

i'd like to build a sump and a seperate fuge and the cannister can eff off lol.


Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I wouldn't run a canister on a marine tank. It will just collect nitrates! You best best is to just filter up the 'crap' ever now and again, but try to leave the sand untouched. Your live rock and clean up crew will take care of the rest.

Feb 22, 2008
After my hols I'm deffinately going to look into a sump and a refugium, I've been looking at overflow boxes and the Schuher (spelling is probably wrong) looks like the one. I don't really fancy drilling the tank so it would be ideal.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
no need for the canister, filtration is taken care of between the liverock/skimmer... how bout some more details ie. tank size, type of skimmer, amount of liverock, stocking list, pics :D

Feb 22, 2008
its 260 litres which is 57 US gallons,

ive got 30kg of live rock, 20 from indo, 10 from fiji, at the moment i have some zooanthids, star polyps and a small purple mushroom, 10 turbo snails, 4 red legged hermits and 3 electric blue leg hermits plus theres millions of copepods and other strange micro organisms.

(im getting a fire shrimp and a cleaner shrimp in 2 weeks *YAY)

the skimmer is a v2 skim 600 i believe (which I received as a mix up, i wanted a smaller one.)
i have a korallia powerhead and a maxi jet one, i dont want to disconnect the canister untill i get another powerhead so I don't loose any flow.

unfortunately my tank has a stand with a vertical divide right down the middle so i would need to have a really small sump and a seperate fuge the other side of the divide.

unless i got a new cabinet but i dunno yet. it all depends on saving some monies.

even though ive had my tank 6 months it's really more like 3 as i had a few problems which basically made me so deflated i didnt want to carry on, but i deceided to go for it and everything is coming up roses


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
if a sump isnt an option u could alway just go with a hang on back fuge.... what size koralia and maxijet do u have? also u could alway just mod that maxijets if u dont wanna add more powerdheads ;)

Feb 22, 2008
cheers for the idea I've never really thought about getting one but they are quite cheap and a lot less hassle than overflows etc.

I think I will probably go with that route and look into a sump in a few months time.
I'm going to get a different cabinet before a sump, i want the sump at least say 40 US gallons.

When my tank is looking a bit better, with more coral etc I will show you some pics. At the moment its pretty much just a rockfest

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