Cant find my yo yo ....


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
i got 2 more yo yo loaches for company for my lone one the first day i spotted them under a big piece of diffwood but now i cant find him! the one that was already in the tank comes out quite often one of the new ones has just stated to come out and pick at the gravel but ive now seen the third since i let him out of the bag. i fear he my be dead my frog died today so i did some tests and found my ph is low about 6, 6.1 do you know anywhere that yo yos like to hide? see 'a little taster of my 25 gallon.' in 'rate my tank (freashwater)' for a pic of my tank and see if you can spot any places that he might be. i checked the filter my brothers one got in to his but hes not there. thanks for any help.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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loaches are friggin ninja masters i swear! if my clowns dont wanna be seen, they WILL NOT be seen! all i can say is to move all your deco around until you find him.

i wouldnt worry too much if you just got em too, they need time to get used to your tank, just keep an eye out:D


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
i think i found it! i was looking in my tank and looking at the bottom i saw 1 yo yo near the filter 1 behind some wood and 1 in front of the wood without thinking i jumped up and went 'yes!' anway they all darted stright for cover! and i havent seen them since! im sure i saw three mabye it was just a trick but im sure i saw them.

BTW i kept watching the tank and i saw a yo yo swimming up the filter then it went in side stirght though the tube that air bubbles come out i just hope they can get out by them sevels overwise ill but fishing em out every 5 minites!


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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i had the same problem with my clowns going in the underfilter tube(strong little suckers:D) and into the ugf. i dont think it hurt them, but it got annoying to keep having to pull apart my ugf to get em out. now instead of a ugf and gravel, i use sand as substrate. the loaches seem to like it better(especialy my khulis before they died:() and theres no tube for them to get stuck in:D


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
yeah my brothers got some khulis but we never see them there always hiding under some diffwood or stuck in the filter i told to put some pies in his tank that way theyll feel safer and come out more but he doesnt want to. are you going to get anymore there quite nice when there not hiding:)

lol yeah there alright you gotta get yo yos there really nice i just noited that i put pies instead of pieps they would be some fat khlis!

BTW i definately found all my yo yos there out most of the time now :) the third one though (the lost one) how weaker marking than the other 2 (they wernt as black as my others) i guess he was scared he getting darker though :) and people say there slow growing there not mine have grown quite fast

BTW (again) have you ever put ur tank on rate my tank you my have when i wasnt regiestered or i may have missed i would really like to see your tank :)


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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no, i havent posted any pics of my tanks at all yet, i have a crappy digicam that doesnt download pics to my computer so i need to buy a new one, or get someone with a working one to my house some day:D. when i do post some pics, i will announce it:D

i wanna get some yoyos. i might be getting a 29 gal and theyd be the loach of choice for that tank, but i gotta do some more research on them.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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hehehe thanks, can ya tell i had a job when i set em up??:D

im also setting up a ten gallon guppy tank for my brother
i need to upgrade my puffer to at least a 20 gal(freeing up his current ten gallon:D)
and i wanna get a 29 gal for Rams or Cockatoo Dwarfs

ooohh yyeaahh:D certified fish maniac:D

lol noooooooo you ve gone jaws2 what is the world coming to with this whole sitebe a bunch of jaws2s? what happened to the clown loach potal avatar that one was really cool.

i have guppies in my 10 gallon 4 of them they look good in smaller tanks i think, im giving the tank a more natural ook though i took out the statues and stuff put some diffwood in and im gonna get some rocks more plants and another piece of diffwood to stick onto the side of the tank i hoping ill look good ill put a pic on when its done.

i had rams for a while but 2 of them died on me so i gave up on them im happy with the 2 tanks i have now but i do really want a betta mabe ill get another little tank for some or if my fish die in the ten get one for that (i no its not nice to say about fish sorry :))