Cant get banded cat shark to eat

Aug 13, 2011
My banded cat shark won't eat. I try to hand feed him a ghost shrimp every night. I just put him in a bucket by himself with a shrimp to see if he'll eat now because I cant let him catch the shrimp on his own in the tank cause my lion fish beats him to it. Any ideas?


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
catching himand moving him to a bucket is prob suuuper stressful.
and your hand feedin him prob doesnt help, hands could be scary...

was he hatched in an aquarium? generally i wouldnt hand feed newly hatched babys, id use a pole with a live shrimp on it whose legs id taken off.

how big is he?
what size tank do you have him in?
is his belly super sunken?
what are his tank mates?

you need to get food in him quick though or you may loose him and that may be pretty sad.