Welp, I just lost another otto today in my 10gal, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. I had 3 ottos in a 10 gal, along w/ a betta and 4 cory's. The tank has been up for almost a month now and has been cycled for almost as long. All water parameters are in check and the temperature is an even 80F. I feed them an algae wafer every 3 days, though I never really know if the ottos get it or the cory's get it. I looked last night when I fed them the wafer and one of the ottos was sitting right on top of the food, so I assume he was eating it... Weird thing is, I think that the one sitting on the wafer is the one that died...
What am I doing wrong?
My additives are as follows: pH 7.0 buffer, Stress Coat, and Flourish Comp. Plant supplement, all once a week w/ the water change. The plants are one java fern, "two" odd java ferns that don't look like any java fern I've ever seen, and a pygmy anubias. The two "java ferns" and the pygmy were added this previous week along w/ the two ottos from the store that replace the previous dead otto.
What am I doing wrong?
My additives are as follows: pH 7.0 buffer, Stress Coat, and Flourish Comp. Plant supplement, all once a week w/ the water change. The plants are one java fern, "two" odd java ferns that don't look like any java fern I've ever seen, and a pygmy anubias. The two "java ferns" and the pygmy were added this previous week along w/ the two ottos from the store that replace the previous dead otto.