Can't keep my water clear


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2006
Ashkum, IL
I scrubbed my tank and went and bought bottled water but three days later my tank is starting to look terrible. I have 6 Goldfish, 2 Blue Gouramis, 1 female betta and 2 algae eaters. What should I try next? I have even thought about getting different fish for the tank. Because after I got the fish, a few people told me I made a bad choice on getting goldfish. I am new at having a fish tank. But I would love to have clean and beautiful tank for my family to enjoy.

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Small Fish
Mar 6, 2006
Ashkum, IL
It's a 40 gallon tank. I first set it up 6 weeks ago and every week I have been bringing a water sample to the pet shop and they say the water is perfect that they don't understand what is wrong.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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Your tank is seriously overstocked and you'll probably continue to have problems until you remedy this. I can't imagine how the pet shop can say everything is fine, your parameters should be all over the place with the bioload. I would strongly suggest you get some tests kits to use yourself. Peek over the salesguy's shoulder the next time he tests your water -- have him explain the readings and let us know what they are. Ammonia and nitrites should only be 0, nothing else is 'fine'.

A 40 gallon tank is a nice size to work with -- you have loads of options. Ideally, you would have to choose between tropical (gouramis) and cool water (goldies). Bettas and gouramies don't typically get along but it's easy enough to separate out the betta if push comes to shove. What sort of algae eaters do you have? Plecos? Chinese algae eaters? Otos? If they're plecos, very few plec species available in the average pet shop would do well with 2 in a 40 gallon -- common plecs are a disaster in that size tank and a bad idea with goldfish. CAEs are simply nasty fish with no real algae eating value. Goldfish typically need approximately 10 gallons apiece, so your tank would support 4 goldies, 5 with stringent maintenance if it's a "breeder" tank.


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2006
Ashkum, IL
Thanks I will get a kit to check the water. At the beginning I was going to by a kit but the pet store tried to tell me you can't by kits anymore you can only bring them water samples. The algae eaters are Plecos. I would like to go with gouramis fish instead.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
that's the biggest crock of s*** i've ever heard....!!! the owner tells you you can't buy test kits?!?!?! he's proably saying your water is fine so you'll buy more fish, etc from them. there's something seriously wrong with that shop. go elsewhere.


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2006
Ashkum, IL
Today I went to a different pet store. Put the goldfish in a different tank so no all the tank has in it is 2 Blue Gouramis, 2 Plecos, 1 female betta, and 4 Otos. I plan on getting a kit this week from the pet shop I went to today:)
I don't know how many Blue Gouramis can be in a 40 gallon tank. The pet store said you can have 20 Blue Gouramis in a 40 gallon tank and as many Otos you want. Just keep the tank tempature 78 degrees. Hopefully this is a better pet store. Because the other pet shop I went into first today had about 15 Plecos dead in it and a bunch of fish dead and they didn't know what Blue Gouramis were.:)


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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ROTFL!!!!!! Boy, they must think they can see you coming.... Even if "blue gouramies" got along, you couldn't fit 20 in a 40. If you like gouramis, you can keep a couple in a 40, especially if you can get females (which you obviously can't trust the fish stores in your area to determine) Gouramis are cool but tend to be total punks. A few gouramis mixed in with a couple schools of barbs or rasboras would be possible. Those two plecs are a major bioload and will eventually outgrow your tank. The female betta should be ok, but keep an eye on her and the gouramis.

Keep looking for a decent fish store.


Large Fish
Feb 22, 2006
San Antonio, TX
I totally agree.
I had three blue gourami in a 20 gallon tank but they were so aggressive that they killed 1 of them and were terrorizing my other fish!:mad:
I want to get rid of them but no fish store will take them and now I'm stuck with them!*ALL*


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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ss> please get more experience before giving advice? :(

8 of the fish in his tank are poo machines, two others are likely to be punks; 6 - 8 can handle one set of parameters, the rest, another. (depending on species, the plecs can overlap the two conditions but are ill-advised to be with goldies long term) The goldfish alone need at least 60 gallons of water.

Since he came asking about keeping up with his water parameters, he needs to understand this. His lfs are both giving very dangerous advice -- they must be licking their chops about how many fish they'll be selling him as they each succumb to aggression or poor water quality.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
I love my goldfish tank. You can see it here:
Watching it is so relaxing. It stays crystal clear because I maintain it well. I have the goldies, a dojo loach, some otos, and some white cloud minnows with fake plants, rock, and sand.
I posted to show you that if you can set up a second tank, the goldies are a viable option. (Be sure to get a bigger filter than you think you'd need.) If you can only have one tank and prefer the gouramis et al, then rehoming the goldies would be the best option for them.
Enjoy your tank(s).


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
I love my goldfish tank. You can see it here:
Watching it is so relaxing. It stays crystal clear because I maintain it well. I have the goldies, a dojo loach, some otos, and some white cloud minnows with fake plants, rock, and sand.
I posted to show you that if you can set up a second tank, the goldies are a viable option. (Be sure to get a bigger filter than you think you'd need.) If you can only have one tank and prefer the gouramis et al, then rehoming the goldies would be the best option for them.
Enjoy your tank(s).


Small Fish
Mar 6, 2006
Ashkum, IL
I decided to wait on getting any more fish until I know exactly how many and what kinds would be good together. But the tank has cleared up some. I don't think we have a good pet store around here they all lie to me. So hopefully by talking to everyone here I can get my tank looking better and have fish that get along too. Plus not over populate the tank. What would be a good setup for my tank? My filter is a Whisper 4o power filter. Should I get a different filter system?

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