Cardinal/Neon Help

May 9, 2010
Hi everyone, I'm new to this website and I just wanted to say hi first. But anyway, to the question.... This is kinda embarassing because I'm a discus keeper, but I cannot keep cardinals or neons alive for more than a week. I have hard water here, KH=125ppm, GH=off the chart, too high for kit, pH=7.6-7.8. I get my discus from a local breeder who has the same water as me, henceforth the discus living. I really like cardinals and neons, but I can't keep them. I actually read on this forum of some people who have cardinals and neons at high pHs like mine. Any help anybody?


Large Fish
Jul 1, 2003
Madison, Wisconsin
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Are you sure your discus aren't eating them? They have been known to eat any fish small enough to fit in their mouth.

Don't get me wrong some Discus don't touch fry. A friend of mine had his with some endler's for months, until one day he didn't feed them and all his little fish were in pieces.