Yesterday I went out and bought a gorgeous little blue ram - my first ever cichlid!
After i put him in my tank i came on this website to see if i could find any useful info about rams. A lot of people seemed to think that rams won't live very long unless you give them exactly the right water conditions. So i was wondering, is this true? And if so what are the water conditions a ram needs, and how often will I need to do water changes to keep him healthy?
He's doing fine so far but i'd hate to lose him.
Also, if you know of any other cichlids who are peaceful enough for community tanks (with fish such as tetras) please will you mention them.
After i put him in my tank i came on this website to see if i could find any useful info about rams. A lot of people seemed to think that rams won't live very long unless you give them exactly the right water conditions. So i was wondering, is this true? And if so what are the water conditions a ram needs, and how often will I need to do water changes to keep him healthy?
He's doing fine so far but i'd hate to lose him.
Also, if you know of any other cichlids who are peaceful enough for community tanks (with fish such as tetras) please will you mention them.