2 blood parrots in a 55 gallon tank. They grow very big, like soft balls.
Blue grey is not the natural color of a blood parrot, you probably have a dyed fish. Baby blood parrots are a green color, and as they grow they turn yellow, then orange, then become a deep "blood" red when fully mature.
How big is your blood parrot? Sometimes people get dyed blood parrots confused with dyed convict ciclids.
Bood Parrots get along with several different species of South American Cichlids, such as sevrums and convicts. But I would place them in a tank with big carnivors like oscars or jack dempseys. I've also kept Blood Parrots with tinfoil barbs, silver dollars, giant danio, bala sharks, ID cats, and different cory cats.
it is not a good idea to keep South American Cichlids mixed with African Cichlids. Nor is it a good idea to keep a pleco with African cichlids either. For some people it works, for others it doesn't, and because of that uncertainty factor, I highly recommend it not be done at all.