Cascade 1000 canister filter help


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I just bought a Cascade 1000 canister filter used from some people I've "done business" with before (they gave me my 29gal and sold me two heaters and a 48" fixture for my 55gal) for $20.*BOUNCINGS The filter is in like-new condition and is in working order. They took the top off to clean it (I was told) and to fix the impeller since it was apparently loose from the filter being tossed around while they moved a while back. ANYWAY, now I can't get two of the release clips to release! :mad: The two on the sides release with no problem, but the ones on the front and back will only move up, they won't fully release. The filter didn't come with the instruction sheet (even though it did come in th original box!), but I emailed Penn-Plax and they sent me a PDF copy of the instruction sheet. I'm staring at the instruction sheet right now and it is not making ANY sense at all to me. HELP please!!! I really need to get this filter installed on the 55gal so I can start working on the 29gal.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Okay, now I seriously need some help!! The filter ran great for about an hour or so...then it suddenly just shut off completely. I unplugged it and tried plugging it in to a different outlet, but to no avail. I had to go to work at that point, so I just left it unplugged and figured I'd deal with it when I got home. Got home and plugged it in, just for grins and giggles. It worked GREAT for about 2 minutes, then shut off again! While it was running, it was REALLY noisy, like a HOB is when the impeller is running dry and trying to suck up water, but the canister was completely full of water. So, I unplugged it again and opened up the top to see what I could see. After poking around for a bit, I put my fingers in the hole where the impeller is supposed to be...and there's no impeller. :eek: Could that be the problem? HELP! I really want this filter to work!