@#%@ cat and my fishless cycle!


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2003
Calgary, Alberta
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Heheh ok, here's a new one on yah. I got my 77gal tank on friday and set it up, seeded it with some gravel and water from my established 10gal tank and set the temp to 80 degree's to begin my fishless cycle. Saturday I went out and bought some Ammonia Hydroxide and proceeded to add a little to the tank to help it along. (note: I'd checked Ammonia and Nitrite levels before doing this and both were 0) Well lucky me as I was perched up on the chair adding the ammonia, my cat decided he needed to have a look as well and tried to jump up beside me, bumping into me and causing me to dump a whole @#$%load of Ammonia into the tank. I bout the regular bottle you buy from most grocery stores, not sure how many ml it was, I'll check when I get home, but I dumped in about a quarter of it. Result...my Ammonia level is off the scale! And with the increased heat, my tank smells of a really pungent box of used cat litter.

I tested for Nitrite this morning and its still 0 which doesn't suprise me, its only been 3days, however, my ammonia is still off the scale of my test kit, and doesn't show any sign of dropping. How quickly should the ammonia level drop? Is it possible to stop the cycle by adding way to much ammonia?

When I did my water of my 10gal on sunday, I removed an equal amount from my new 77gal and dumped the changed water from my 10, into my 77 to help it along some more. That seemed to dilute the ammonia level down a tad, but not much.

My question I guess is should I give this about 3-4 more days and see if the ammonia levels start to drop? Or should I do like a 50% water change to try and dilute some of that ammonia?


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2003
Calgary, Alberta
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Heheh you should have heard the choice words I had for my cat. I actually dropped the bottle of ammonia into the damned tank :D.

I guess that's what I was wondering. Do I even bother waiting to see if that huge amount of Ammonia fixes itself, or should I just bite the bullet, do a big water change and kind of start over? I'm thinking I'll have to start over. Unless someone has another idea I'll probably go ahead with that 75% water change.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
hehe, my cat decided she needed a bath yesterday as I was finishing up the lighting for the hood I made. She was so used to something being there when she jumped on it, she never looked! Boy was my wife pissed when that thing finaly got out of the tank and was running around the house getting everything else wet!

LOL-off the subjuect I know, just thought i would share. Mabey you should try about a 50% water change, and see if that brings the levels down some. I would think that even if the nitrite did start to rise, that It would take much longer than normal for ammonia to reach 0.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2003
my cats haven't done anything crazy like that yet. what they usually do is perch up beside my 55gal and try to catch the fish... through the glass. it's fun to watch. they eventually give up and nap.