catfish compatability


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
How big a tank you have?

You probably want to get a large enough fish so that the others can't eat it. I would go with another pictus, they like to be friendly and school, and their spines will prevent the oscar and JD from slurping it up.

You could try a channel cat as well. They get pretty big though at least 2' or more.  I've a 4" in my 29 gallon with my goldfish, and he's a glutten. Will even come to the surface and slurp up the goldfish pellet, so I don't know exactly how much bottom feeding he's actually doing<G>.

Oct 22, 2002
Thanks for the information. I have a 38gal tank, the oscar is about 10" and the dempsey is about 6". I actually went out and got a black-fin shark about 4 hrs ago. I added some salt to the tank and he seems to be adjusting to the water fine. The only problem is that the oscar and the dempsey tried to eat him for the first 2 hrs, even though the black-fin is about 3". They seem to have settled down, but i got a feeling it won't be there in the morning.  :(