catfish fight!


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Today, for the very first time, I noticed my two synodontis multipunctatus (also known as cuckoo catfish) mouth-fighting. Will adding one more be enough to prevent this kind of behaviour?

Feb 27, 2009
I kept them long ago (maybe 15 yrs ago), and was told they should be kept in groups of 5+. I started with 5 and when I sold the tank when I moved, I had 8, so my only guess is that they spawned and I missed it.

If you decide to keep both, I'd try to find 3 that are simular size.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Did you have them with cichlids? My understanding is they only spawn by using cichlids as foster parents.
I could rehome one, instead of trying to find three the same size. These guys are probably 2.5" long now? But yikes, five. I'm thinking that would be too much even for me and my prediliction for (careful) overstocking. I think they would terrify the cories.
Could I keep one singly? The reason I got two was for the first several weeks of having just one he hid all the time, and it was advised that I get another. Now they are very active, out and about even when the lights are on. So maybe they've overcome their shyness, and one alone would still be happily active?
Haven't seen any more fighting. Only lasted a minute or two. But still, not a great sign, methinks.

Feb 27, 2009
No cichlids in their tank. Was just tiger barbs and a lone oscar in a 75 gallon tank.

I know a guy that bred them (that's where I got my 5 from) in an outdoor pond in Florida. They were the only fish in there, so I'm thinking they can spawn on their own if no foster parent is around.