Catfish heaven! but what one ?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Basingstoke, hants , UK
i love catfish and need a new one in my tanks as my zebra pleco died last night   :'(  i also have a up side down Cat fish and i looking fo r anouther ??

this fish needs to been active so i can see it some times a good comunity fish and look nice? So guys what would you recomend


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I just bought myself a pair of -Corydoras sterbai- that are just beautiful! They're a tan background covered with tiny little beige spots. The neatest thing about them is that their pectoral and pelvic fins are bright, bright, bright orange! They can cost up to $10 a fish, but I think they're so pretty they'd be worth it.

I also just got a -Horabagrus braychysoma-, or sun catfish. It kinda looks like a golden tan channel cat, with a black spot just behind the gill operculum that has a bright golden halo around it.  I didn't realize it, but this poor guy is a shoaling catfish, and now it just paces the glass back and forth. Hopefully my manager will order more for me, I would like to get him a pair of buddies. It also likes to chill out in the cave when something spooks it. It cost about $4 and change, but another beautiful fish.

Go to the Planet Catfish website. They have a picture of every possible catfish in the world, I'm sure you can find something that appeals to you. I made myself a shopping list!