My rescue channel cat is doing great, he has actually built up enough muscle to dart around the tank instead of a slight filter flow tossing a 14" catfish into the corner, his spine seems to be straightening a bit, and he's eating more than he needs too (little stink)... But now that all his flesh wounds have healed and he was looking really good, he all the sudden started flashing and then developed some light blotches, mostly towards the top of his body near his dorsal fin. He still seems fine other than the splotches and occasional flashing.
The oscar that is in with him seems to be fine, he's not flashing and he doesn't have any splotches. Other than the scrapes and bruises from the catfish running into him, he's perfect.
Any idea as to what this could be? I have been treating with Melafix since I got them due to the open wounds the cat had and the lack of fin and scales the oscar came with(out), and I started treating Prazi Pro thinking this might be some kind of parasite, so if it's not a parasite, I would like to find out ASAP being that we paid $60 for this bottle of Prazi and I would rather not use any more of it if I don't have to LOL.
The oscar that is in with him seems to be fine, he's not flashing and he doesn't have any splotches. Other than the scrapes and bruises from the catfish running into him, he's perfect.
Any idea as to what this could be? I have been treating with Melafix since I got them due to the open wounds the cat had and the lack of fin and scales the oscar came with(out), and I started treating Prazi Pro thinking this might be some kind of parasite, so if it's not a parasite, I would like to find out ASAP being that we paid $60 for this bottle of Prazi and I would rather not use any more of it if I don't have to LOL.