

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
ot oh not this again?!! no just kidding i put that to try to steer new people to the hobby away from the classic "i buoght a pleco and now i don't know what to do with it syndrome"when peole ask i basicly send them to after explaning a plecos needs if you need more elaboration you can also check the old thread on this although by the time i got back to the computer half of the board had replied for me. i really like catfish(as the name sugggests)and the large size can become overwhelming for a beginner,so i started that to help all those who wish to know, but i'm no expert just well meaning


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
ok ok i'll explane more.when i first came to this site i had already spent a month at planetcatfish aborbing evreything i could on catfish.plecos and corys mostly.after spending some time here i noticed a post like "sick pleco,pleco won't eat, pleco won't eat algae" evrey day or so.then i remebered how underinformed i was when i got my i thought"why don't i try to help new pleco keepers by adding a signature at the bottom of my posts."
honsetly i can't change the way anyone looks at any thing.thats up to you.i just wanted to hepe those who wish to keep a pleco make good choices before buying then it's too late.take for instance the post that came up a few days ago.some one had asked what to stock in a 40 gal. tank with fung shui(sp)in mind. one of the first posts offerd the suggestion of a farowela cat. farowelas can be very difficult to keep since they have very diffrenet requierments than a common's these kinds of things i'm tring to help people avoid.unfortunatly the only people that catch my signature are the big fish around here.that and pleco knowledge seems to be on the rise.does that help to clarify?