I keep a SW tank out on my Verandah (Porch) so i can enjoy my hobbie outside as well.

I came home yesterday and found some of the equipment destroyed and scattered about, I was angered by what i saw.

GOOD NEW - the culprit was still on the premises and i gave chase and caught the swine.

after a harsh ummmmmmmm word or two,

he expressed his sincere regret



Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
that has to be the funniest pic i have seen in a long time. what all did the pooch break it really does look like he is sorry in that picture too lol. good pic

Bad Dog

Picture this,

A 8 inch deep pond with 8 goldfish in it.

I find my dog on the balcony with wet legs, i go and check the pond ( 1 day old by the way) there are 8 gold fish on the ground 3 foot away from the pond in a near pile!!!. he had to of stuck his hea d under water and caught these fish by mouth. ( they were all dead ) BAD DOG!!!