Central American Cichlids?


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Im soon hoping to get a 55 gallon tank and im wanting to make it a cichlid tank.I was wanting to put sand as the substrate and i didnt know if this would work?This is what i would like to get: 3 black convicts,2 firemouth meeki,1 jack dempsey[i know they are very aggressive,but my lfs said that it would probably work:confused: what do you think],and 2 salvinis.Sorry for all the questions but hey im a beginner.


Large Fish
Jan 21, 2007
i'm no expert on CA/SA cichlids... but i think it should work. What ive read though is that salvini are somewhat passive fish (i'm sure BV will chime in here) so beware of aggression towards them. The 3 cons will probably form a pair and have an odd man out which may stress the odd one, and wreak terror on the rest of the tank, but then again you have other aggressive fish in there...

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Salvini may be a little more reclusive than some of those others you've mentioned, but they are by no means "somewhat passive" fish. Quite the opposite, in fact. ;)

But I'm having a huge debacle with mine at the moment, so don't assume that I have the answers either. :eek:

Now that my spawning pair is divorced, and the fry have all been eaten, I'm seriously considering doing a similar setup to what you're describing, sweetpickles. More of a mixed CA community of sorts.

Point being, I'd be very interested in figuring out what has a decent chance of working in a 55 gal. tank as far as this type of aggressive community goes. I've been working on figuring this out over at the cichlid-forum as well, and so I can give you a bit of advice right now...

First off, the JD is too big for a 55 gal. tank.
I'd go so far as saying that it'd be too much even alone, but perhaps that is up for debate. With other CA cichlids in a 55 gal. tank---not a chance, IMO.

That leaves you (out of the fish you mentioned) with salvini as the tank bosses. For this reason, you'll only be able to have one in this mix. Males hate each other, so keeping two would just end you up with a dead one and one survivor. Keeping a male and female would likely result in a spawning pair which---although perhaps not an absolute certainty---would result in a fairly distinct possibility of resulting in the death of the FM's and/or possibly some of the convicts.

Keep in mind I've never tried this.
All of this comes from my discussions on the topic with more experienced folks over on the cichlid-forum.

With a lone salvini, firemouth(s), and convict(s)...not even sure if you should have more than one of each of the FM & convict...perhaps even another species or two (not sure which other species would hold up in a mix like this), I think it has a good chance at working.

As for which ones and how many of each......that is something I'd like to find the answer to as well.



Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Fire Mouths can be extremly agressive. I've seen first hand just how nasty they can be.

I'm with BV and wouldn't mix the JD or any other large CA in there, even with your choices I wouldn't put a sev in there as it will get beat on.

Keep only one of each species, perhaps research some others a lil more and see what esle may work, but I can tell you with just one of each your pushing it. This set up is a prime example of having to think about things such as territories vs bioload when stocking the tank. Each fish is going to need it's own space. Bioload isn't the issue at all in this case.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
To many fish. And i personaly would use sand, i find its much better then gravel. And 3 convicts leaves an odd fish out once and if they pair, not to mention hell for all the other tank mates when/if they pair.

The problem you have with 55gal tanks is not really the volume of water they hold, but the footprint of the tank. A 55gal is only like 12" wide, it just does not provide enough room.

What is the lure of CA fish? What about SA? Possibly if we understand your thinking behind the tank we can suggest a better suited stocking list.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Well the reason i picked it because its different.I dont see many people talking about central american set ups.Im still not for sure what im going to do because im in between whether i want a Central or SA tank.The reason i picked those cichlids is because they are all bright with different colors[each having there own different color].Im goin to do more research and then ill tell you what ive decided in,but it might take awhile.What do you think i should do?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I'm in the process of aiming for a very similar setup...my thread's over in the cichlid section of the forum. Basically research/experienced folks have told me not to expect my salvini pair to survive amicably in a 55 gal. in the long-run, so I'm going for more of a mixed CA 'community' of sorts.

Check out my thread if you want.
Hopefully we can figure some of this out together.

I'm thinking 3 CA cichlids will be about max...at least for the types (i.e. fairly aggressive) that we're talking about. ;)

Who knows? I'm hoping someone will know what to tell us, but ultimately I think it will be a matter of a lot of trial and error...one giant experiment. lol