channel catfish

Jan 24, 2006
can i keep my channel cat in my 40 with the africans. he has hes on log that he stays in all day until night so he will have protection. but im not sure heres a pic of him:

dont mind the yellow lab hes in the 40 now.

the reason i want to move him is because im overstocked and my pleco and him never get along when i put in pellets. also becasue he gets big fast!


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Your not going to want to keep him long term anyway.

While he is smaller he isn't going to be a problem for the other fish, but as it grows I'm sure that he will want to feast on other fish. They aren't really preditory by nature, but more of an opportunistic feeder. So if it can fit into it's mouth, then it will be food.

Jan 24, 2006
ok i tried to put him in my 40 last night and it did not work. he was not welcomed at all. hes like triple the size of my powder blue but he was still gettin bullied around. in like 3 mins he had his back fin alittle ripped. so i put him back in the 30 and will get returned to the lfs wenever he gets to big for his log home. i wanted to seperate him from my pleco because they fight for the same food. i was thought of putting him in my 15 with the betta but the tank doesent have a bubbler. so they are stuck in there for little more time.

heres a pic of my pleco: