Cheato without a fuge/sump?

Nov 19, 2008
I have a basic 10g tank that has been running for 6 weeks. No fish, no corals, just a small CUC. Every week I do a 2 gallon water change but my nitrAtes are still at 20 and refuse to go down. I'm worried that because I don't have a sump/fuge that this could be a trend once adding fish. I've heard great things about all that cheato does, and I'm wondering if it's possible/wise to try and grow cheato inside the tank itself to help with this, and if so, what's the best way to grow it/keep it contained? Thank you.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
I have some in my 55g.. I just put it behind the rocks and it grows fine, you can always get a HOB filter and remove the contents and make it a place for some cheato and some rubble rock