check out my future stock list ideas


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Hi guys, as my guides I would appreciate any input you might have about this stocking list. After a lot of research this is what I came up with for my 55g reef to be. Also, I decided to try to make this an Indo-Pacific region psuedo-biotope so that kind of limited my selections down, which was both a hinderance and a help. Furthermore, I tried to keep this to fish which seemed to be readily available either through the LFS (preferable to me) or online (if I had to). Anyway, any thoughts are need to be gentle, if I am way off base let me know.

1 Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)
-Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor)
1 Eibli's Dwarf Angelfish (Centropyge eibli)
5 Blue-Green Chromis (Chromis viridis)
3 Bangai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni)
1 Dispar Anthias (Psuedanthias dispar)
1 Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus)

That about sums it best as I can tell these should all be compatable with each other and reef safe (with the possible exception of the Eibli's Dwarf Angel). The above order is the order in which I plan to introduce the fish to the tank over the course of the next year. I based this mostly on their hardiness and territorial needs as best as I thought I could. I plan to put the Eibli's in there a little earlier than I might normally because I theorize that if I put the fish in before there are any corals for it to nip out perhaps it will grow accustomed to eating the foods I provide; then, when some corals are placed it might leave them alone.

A question on the BTA and the clown: the clown, obviously, I have had for a yearish now and she is fine w/out the anemone, but I would like to give one of these inverts a try. I am confident that I can maintain it but I am a bit curious about your success rates getting the clowns to host after an extended period of time without an anemone. All indications from my readings on reef central are that this will most likely happen, but honestly the only reason I would want to keep the BTA is if the Maroon will host. Certainly, if the Maroon does not host I am not going to trash it or anything...I will still care for it and all...but if nobody here has had any success, or known of any personally, maybe I need to reconsider my thinking on this matter. I think the large sample size at RC makes it easier to find people who have been succesfull at damn near anything.

Also, the anthia, in some ways, seems like a difficult keep, but I am stricken by its beauty and the lfs here has had a healthy stock of these on hand for a good 6 weeks now, and the owner says he has easy access to them through some connection somewhere if he happens to be out at some time so I would like to give them a try as well...once again, unless the general consensus here is that I will find myself up a creek without a paddle when I get this guy home.

I had kind of hoped to keep a blenny, gobie, or jawfish but with the open top this is looking like a bad option so I'm going to pass on this.

Anyway, I appreciate anyone who bothers to read this virtual novel and is willing to troubleshoot it for me


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Jul 22, 2004
northern illinois
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I have a blenny and have never had a problem with him going to the top, with the tunnels and caves i have created he is very content on staying near the bottom and he is growing fast. I ran without a lid for about 3 months but i was tired of the salt creeping and was told a lid was a good way to go to slow down the evaporation while i was gone on trips and needed to depend on a person to feed them for me, but anyway the blenny did not seem to be a problem.
by the way,,, i miss my slip n slide


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Hmm...all your fish sound reef safe. My concern would be crowding. You will have an angel, tang, anthias, and a bunch of smaller fish in a 55 gallon tank. However you have chosen fish that will be in different areas of the aquarium.

Your Maroon Clown will no doubtably go into your anemone. You should have corals in your tank that are thriving before you place an anemone in your tank. It should also be three times the length of your clownfish.

Anthias require at least three meals a day. People who have reefs usually don't feed three times a day which leads to the starvation of the anthias. A refugium is a good idea if you want to keep one of these. It will allow organisms into the display so the anthias and other fish will have a consant supply of food. Also see if the anthias at the LFS eat mysis. Frozen mysis is an excellent staple for these fish.

Finally about your blenny/goby/jawfish. These fish usually stay at the bottom of your tank. I really doubt they would jump out of the system.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
thanks sam...i may drop the anthias, though i do feed three times a day I am not particularly interested in setting up a you noted, most of the fish should stay in different areas of the tank. I have considered lowering the number of chromis' to 3 and/or the bangais to 1 so i will have to give some thought to that

why would you reccomend putting in coral prior to the anemone? from what i have read it is best to let the anemone have a lot of area it can move to if for some reason it finds its initial placement unpleasant; having established coral populations would in some ways limit its choices

Jul 22, 2004
northern illinois
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hey i just talked to the person i talk to about fish and he said the only thing he would be concerned with is the maroon clown as it may become aggresive if introduced first, and he should not have a problem going to the anemone if he wasn't captive born and then may be hesitant to go in. what little i got is there so there ya go,,, oh and the crab pic i took in the lfs store,,, well he said its a emerald crab...


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
You need to know that your tank is established. Anemones are the most delicate and demanding creature in the sea. Corals come in a close if you can keep corals you can probably keep anemones.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
ah...makes sense. I guess, then, what I will do is, after I move the corals over from the 20, give them a couple weeks and make sure they do ok and then start looking for an adequately sized BTA...which i imagine could be a lengthy project anyway


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
yah...i spoke with the owner of the good lfs here and he said very rarely does he get any in that are the size I need. He said he can do custom orders for me for no extra cost so I plan to try to go through him I think because I like to give my business to the local shops when I can. I may look around online a bit too though...see what I can see.

anyway, thanks again for the information


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
im no anemone expert, but the info ive read in the recent past says its best just to let it do its thing...soon you will have 2 anemones instead of one...maybe you could sell the clone to the LFS for store credit, that is if you dont want it


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Well folks, after some consideration I have nixed the anthia and decided to go for a midas blenny instead, also I am really leaning away from the tang just for space considerations...anyway, here is the updated list:

1 Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)
-Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor)
1 Eibli's Dwarf Angelfish (Centropyge eibli)
5 Blue-Green Chromis (Chromis viridis)
3 Bangai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni)
1 Midas Blenny (Ecsenius midas)
1 Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus)

I have moved Tommy the Maroon Clown in and he is well settled...seems to enjoy his new and improved home. The chromis' are in QT at the moment and so in a few weeks they will be moved in I imagine. I am having difficulty tracking down a Eibli locally so that may be an order I have to place either online or through the store. Need to talk to the guy and see what it would cost to get one in...hopefully nothing extra. The rest are pretty easy to find, but that is a way down the road. Am now planning out my adventures into coral. Already in the tank is a nice colony of xenia which has doubled in size over the last week or so...this thing is growing like a weed. Thats ok, I can sell back clippings. Also, some hitchiker zooanthids from the LR and some from the 20 as well as some mushrooms


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
OK, just for debate I'd put the anemonae in first because it will move around. Let it settle, then put in the nonmobile stuff.

Maroon clownfish is good.
Eiblis is a good choice
Chromis are ok, if you like them
3 Bangai might well scrap, work down to 2 , but will likely be ok. See if you can get tankbreds, wild ones are very fragile nowadays
Blenny, goby.... almost always ok

I reckon it's going to take you about 8 months plus to get all these fish in there.
Too small for blue tang, might be ok for a year or so. These fish do get big.

I'm trying an anthia. If you have the space, and really do feed three times a day they seem ok. I'm building a refugium though anyway.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
You want the tank to be stable before you put the anemone in. My personal experience and other peoples experiences show these are one of the most challenging organisms to take care of. Also the anemone will not move on top of other stinging celled organisms.

As for the Blue Tang(Paracanthurus hepatus). They will reach a foot in the wild about half that in captivity.